Our Missionaries
In Mark 16:15, Jesus told His disciples, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” This is the mission of believers in the world today. Our church is carrying on that mission in Santa Monica, but also throughout the world through the support of missionaries. Here are the missionaries we support regularly.
Gary and Cathy work with Truth:78. They are involved in translation and distribution of church educational material throughout the world.
Birch and Connie work with UnfoldingWord, a Bible translation ministry. They are involved in translation and literacy work throughout the world.
Benjamin and Bernice are sent by Marion Avenue Baptist Church, Washington, Iowa. They are involved in church planting in Argentina, www.hopeforargentina.com.
Paul works with Victory Ranch, a Regular Baptist camp in Southern California. He has been the camp director for several years.
Nick is working in Los Angeles county high schools with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He hosts Bible studies, meetings, and activities to bring the gospel to high school students.
Paul and Laura are working with their sending church, Gospel Hope Church in Utah. They are involved in church planting work.
John and Sylvia worked with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism in Brazil. They were involved in church planting, and they are now retired.
Mohan and Padma work with Jehovah-Jireh Baptist Ministries in India. They are involved in church planting and other ministries.
Jim and Alethia work with Baptist Mid-Missions in Peru. They are involved in seminary teaching and church planting.
Shirlie and her late husband Jim worked with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism in Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia, and Nepal. They were involved in church planting and other ministries, and she is now retired.
Nissi Muthakani works with Jehovah-Jireh Baptist Ministries in India. She is involved in children’s work and other ministries.
Sharon worked with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism in Chile. She was involved in Christian education and church work, and she is now retired.
Alisha works with Baptist International Ministries, Inc. in Uganda. She is involved in children’s ministries.
Larry and Rose Ann worked with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism in Spain. They were involved in church planting, and they are retired in Spain.